Sunday, February 3, 2013

Getting to Indiana / Our New Home

We embarked on our cross-country drive to get to Indiana on Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012. We left around 9 in the morning and drove, drove, drove, all day. We made it all the way through Wyoming and Nebraska on the first day, and stopped in Gretna, NE for the night (it's just a few miles outside of Omaha). We sang to the radio, held hands, enjoyed the scenery, and stopped a lot to get gas. I have to say, the drive wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, although it might have been worse for Dave, because I did sleep... a lot. Something about the car lulls me to sleep.

This is devil's slide. It's in the canyon between Morgan, UT and Henefer, UT. if you have never seen it, it's worth the drive up there to see it in person. Very cool :)

We saw this way awesome moonrise in Nebraska. It started as a weird orange glow on the horizon, and was probably the coolest moon rise (or sunrise for that matter) that I have ever seen. I'm glad that I was able to get a good picture of it :)

We arrived in West Lafayette around 8 pm on Sunday, Dec 30. We went to dinner at a new place called Spagheddi's. It was good Italian food, but we accidentally left our leftovers in our hotel room :(  That night, I had nightmare after nightmare that people we stealing our car and all our belongings. I got up at least 3 times that night to check that our Uhaul was still outside. Luckily, it was just bad dreams and our stuff was not stolen :)

We were able to move in to our new apartment one day early, which was awesome! We had about 8 members of our ward come and help us unload our Uhaul, which was a huge blessing. They got everything up to the apartment in about 30 minutes, and saved me from walking up those stairs too many times! Once we got in the apartment, we decided to go shopping for a couch. We found an amazing charcoal one, but it wasn't in stock. My wonderful husband sacrificed for me and has lived without a couch for the last 4 weeks because I loved it so much. 

We rang in the new year by unpacking. We watched a new year show on TV and snuggled and drank welch's sparkling grape juice! mmm. We are excited for all the things that 2013 is going to bring us!! especially our baby!

We spent the next two days unpacking and getting our apartment all set up. here are a few pictures:
 Family room - couchless

Dining room / awesome storage closet


Spare room / Baby's room

sideways picture of our awesome closet at the end of the hall. probably my fav. part of the apartment.


Bedroom. LOVE that king bed. miss it!

our nice walk in closet!

Funny story about this apartment. When we first walked in the door, it was freezing in there. The heaters are room by room and on the base of the floor, and there were no lights in the family room, spare room, or master room. I sat down on the floor and cried and said "it's cold and old and dark here". I was sure that we were going to hate this place. Once we got all of our stuff in, unpacked, set up, and lamps bought though, we LOVED it. I think that we are going to be very happy living in this apartment in West Lafayette :)

The day I left (Jan. 2), I got up before Dave and made him breakfast in bed for his birthday. I felt bad that I wouldn't be there on his actual birthday, but knowing how much he loves breakfast, I think that this was okay with him :) Happy birthday to my wonderful Husband!!


  1. Your apartment looks cute. I'm excited for you guys, even though we'll miss you like crazy.

  2. That sounds like a lot of fun with great adventures! You're apartment looks way cute. I can't wait to come visit :)
