Sunday, February 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

We spent Thanksgiving this year with the Monks. Unfortunately, I have been AWFUL at taking pictures this year. We announced that we were having a baby to both of our families, so that was really fun! Everyone was really excited for us and we REALLY surprised the Monks. We spent Thanksgiving playing cards, catchphrase and playing with our nephews and nieces. It's so fun and crazy to get together with all of the family!

We spent Christmas with my family this year. Dave and I moved home with my parents on Dec. 1, so we basically spent it at home. We watched the Christmas Story, played a LOT of spite and malice (my parents new favorite game), and ate a ton of good food. 

I love watching the little ones open their presents!! It's fun to see their excitement :)

Here are the girls - modeling our new scarves that my mom knitted for us!

The boys all got sweatshirts from their school. Dave was excited about his Purdue sweatshirt :) he's still going to root for his Ohio State Buckeyes though! 

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