Sunday, February 3, 2013

BYU Football, Pregnancy, and Halloween.

 Dave and I were able to go to a BYU football game this season. Yes... I am in a BYU shirt. It wasn't as agonizing as I thought it would be, but it's not something I am planning on repeating soon. I have a co-worker that has season tickets with his whole family, and two of them couldn't go, so he let me and Dave use the tickets. The game was lot of fun. (I don't even remember who it was against though...) Dave's dad and brother went to the game as well, so we met up with them after and hung out.  

On September 29, 2012, we found out that we are expecting our first baby!!! We had decided to start trying back in June, and after waiting a couple of months for birth control to get out of my system, we started trying to get pregnant at the end of August. We have heard of a lot of people having a hard time getting pregnant, so we thought what the heck? If it happens, we're ready for it. Little did we know that we wouldn't have to wait long. We were with Dave's family on Friday the 28th and I was only 1 or 2 days late, but I had a feeling that we should go get a test. We were with them really late so at 1 am we were in Walmart buying pregnancy tests... (we felt a little bit like white trash... haha). I could hardly wait to take it, but know that it's best to do it in the morning. I think I only got 4 hours of sleep before I was up. When I saw this picture below I was so excited, and surprised!! I went and got back in bed. he peeked open his eyes, saw my face, and said, "you're pregnant, aren't you?" I nodded, and we hugged. Then he went back to sleep.... typical Dave :) It was so hard not to tell Dave's family that night, but we kept it a secret (except from my sister) all the way until Thanksgiving!! 

Not long after we found out we were pregnant, we found out that Dave had an offer to go to grad school at Purdue (see the post below). So when deciding what we should carve into our pumpkins, we decided that it was the perfect opportunity to announce that we were going to be going to Purdue. 

Dave is a bit of a wuss with the pumpkin guts... he has to use a shopping bag. I LOVE getting my hands all dirty pulling out the guts :)

Here's the finished product! 
And  here we are with our awesome pumpkins. I either don't feel good in this picture, am extremely tired, still not sure about moving to Indiana... or I just took a bad picture :) At least Dave looks good :)

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures, but we went to a Halloween party at the Gillen's. We ate lots of pizza and made haunted houses and played games. It was so much fun. Dave and I were the last ones there, so I took that opportunity to tell Jeremy and Chelsey that we were expecting. They had the best reactions! It's so fun to have such great and supportive friends. Especially ones who throw awesome parties :)

1 comment:

  1. hehe. I won't ever forget that momment you told us, priceless! Congratulations!
