Sunday, February 3, 2013

It's a BOY!!

I had an ultrasound on Feb. 1, 2013 to check on the baby and run through all of it's anatomy. We had another ultrasound to find out the gender of the baby before Dave left, and the doctor said that she was 80% sure that baby was a girl. So, I was incredibly shocked to see this on Feb. 1.....

It looks like our baby is girl is, in fact, a baby BOY!! The doctor came in the room and said to me that he could 100% guarantee that our baby is a boy :) After getting over the initial shock, I was a little bit sad. I had kind of got my heart set on having a girl, and I was very excited about pink, purple, butterflies, and birdies. 

But, I am really SO excited to being having a boy! It was so fun to see his little face, I watched him kick his little legs against the wall of my tummy. I watched him move his little arms and watched his heart beat so fast. I love my little guy so much. I am SO grateful that Dave and I have this opportunity to become parents! And I'm even more grateful that our baby boy looks healthy and normal! So bring on the cars, dinosaurs, and baby's first football :)


  1. Ultimately, you just want them to get here healthy :) You'll fall in love with that baby boy faster than you realize.

  2. That definitely would be a shock! We're excited that its a boy! Boys are so fun! I never thought I'd ever be obsessed with cars and trucks, but having a boy has done that to me! You're gonna be awesome parents!

  3. You will be your sons first love! A strong loving relationship that will last a lifetime! So excited for you!
