Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today I got my FIRST ever pair of skinny jeans. I'm pretty excited about them. They are pretty plain and boring, but I like them. They look nice enough that I can wear them with most of my business-y clothes too. Do you know what the best thing about them is though? skinny jeans are not hard to tuck into boots... a must for Logan winters. No more coming home with wet hems :) Plus, they look pretty darn cute on me :)

Another first for me happened this weekend. I saw 22 shooting stars. There was a meteor shower last week, and I went up to my friend's cabin on friday night just for fun. We sat out on the deck and watched shooting stars fall. No one believed me that I saw 22, but I sure did! It was really fun, but my neck was all sore from looking up for so long.

Another first also happened from said camping trip. The next morning when I went home, I found that my face was actually sore from laughing so hard the night before. I didn't even know that could happen! It was so crazy. We had so much fun at the cabin! -playing games and watching shooting stars. It was definitely a night to remember.

And last but not least, in fact, the greatest of all, I had yet another first this weekend. It was a first and better be a one and only, I got to see my sister proposed to! I'm so excited for Amanda to be engaged to Preston. They're getting married on December 29, and you can read their engagement story here.


  1. Meteor showers = AWESOME! I saw 2 shooting stars when we were driving Landon to the hospital before the crack 'o dawn last week. I love them

    Laughing with friends so hard your face hurts = EVEN MORE AWESOME! Glad you could have fun.

  2. That would be awesome to see all those shooting stars! What fun!

  3. Ah yes. I remember my first pair of skinny jeans like it was only 18 months ago. And I'll never go back, yo. And this is the first time I've ever commented on your blog.
