Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ping Pong Pals

Tuesday night was the first night that the USU womens volleyball team had a home game. I LOVE watching volleyball, can I just say that right now? Well, at said volleyball game, I sat by my good friend david and his rowdy roommates. It was way fun, and they played a great game! We won in 3 games (clean sweep!)

Afterward, David invited me over to participate in a ping pong tournament at his house with him and his roommates. I decided that I didn't really want to go so I went to the grocery store instead.

I know, I'm lame, right?

Well, I started thinking at the grocery store that I only have about 8 1/2 months left to be a crazy college kid that stays up late and does spontaneous things like this. So I called David up and went on over.

Mind you, I haven't played ping pong in like, 2 years.

I was king of nervous because my ping pong skills just aren't what they used to be. Or so I thought.

I was pretty timid at first, saying things like "I'm not that good!" when it came my turn to play. David played me first and was enough of a gentleman to play with his left hand instead of his right hand.

I won.

I was happy, but it wasn't great, because, well, he played with his left hand!

Then one of his roommates challenged me. He started off with the lead, but surprisingly, I came back and won! These boys are really good at ping pong, ps, so this was no small feat.

I was pretty excited at this point!

I proceeded to beat two more guys before I was dethroned, and out of ping pong steam. But, I was so excited I finally beat some boys at something... lol.

Oh, and they all agreed that they were humiliated, but losing to a pretty girl is not quite so bad.... It completely made my night!

It was so much fun! Moral of the story: do things with your friends whenever you can (even if you don't really "feel like it"), because you never know when it will turn out to be the highlight of your day/week/month/whatever. If I hadn't gone, I would've missed out on a LOT of laughter and fun. Live life to the fullest, and don't forget your friends!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! Sounds like a good time and good for you for beating so many guys!
