Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where the Sidewalk Ends

Remember that poem? Good ol' Shel Silversteen! I used to love his poems... Still do probably :)

But that isn't what this post is about. It's about me falling off the edge of the earth (and remember the collection of his poems in the book called "where the sidewalk ends? --That's what I pictured.) I haven't blogged in forever it feels like! Wow, lots of things have happened since I blogged last.

My internship ended on Friday, July 30th. I got to do a big scary presentation in front of the CEO and all the senior VPs! It went really well, and wasn't bad at all. The internship was a complete success! I loved interning for MTC. It was one of the best things I have ever done. I absolutely loved all of the people that I worked with. They were so great. I'll especially miss all the other interns. I am truly thankful for this wonderful opportunity that I had. It also helped solidify my future plans :)

Since then, I have just been having loads of fun! I've been boating and wake boarding, on a date, played volleyball, twice, hung out with my sister who I have NOT seen enough of this summer, had parties with friends, went to a bbq, slept-in a bunch, saw a movie, and read one FANTASTIC book.

So, movie and book review time! I saw step up 3D. Not exactly top-of-the-list. It was decent, but the plot was pretty weak. There was no build up to a climax, and it felt really long, but was only about and hour and a half. The dancing in it IS awesome, but all starts to look the same after about 30 minutes of watching the show. There is a really cute scene with kind of a jazzy song that I like better than all the crazy rap-ish, hip-hoppy stuff. And there is a really cool dance in the water (not rain like in #2) that should've been at the end, but was right in the middle. Overall, it was fine, but I would only watch a couple of scenes again.

As for the book! I could rave on for days about "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. Wow, what a great book, which is surprising, because the entire story's pretense is about a "game" where they fight to the death. Should be terrifying, right? Well, in truth, it is, but it's also about family, love, humanity, hope, and fighting for what's right. In the beginning of the book get you so sucked into the characters and what's going to happen to them that you can't help but read on in order to find out. I started this book around 2:00 Saturday afternoon, Took a break from 5:00 to 11:30, and had to stay up until 4 am to finish it. It was very intense. The author has a knack for writing and keeping the suspense there. You also share feelings with the characters, which is amazing. You feel the fear they have for this "game" they were chosen to play a part in. You feel the anxiety build up as the game get closer to beginning. You feel the hurt when they get burnt, shot, or speared. You can't help but fall in love with them, and hope for each of them in this impossible situation. I highly highly HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone and everyone! Even if you're not a reader, seriously, pick this one up! :)

Okay, enough of my ravings, or you'll all want me to take a long 4 week break again :)


  1. I don't want you to fall off the edge again, I like your posts :) It's so good to be busy (working) during the summer but nice that you get a little break as well. And yes, that book (series) is awesome!

  2. Where are your parents living?

  3. It is such a great book!!! Get ready for the second one. But your probably done by now anyways. lol.
