Monday, May 10, 2010

Old Love

I absolutely love seeing elderly people who are still in love and help each other out.

Here is why I have been thinking about this:

last night I went up to visit my grandma carter for mother's day. She lives in an assisted living center, but was at my grandpa's house for people to come visit. My grandma is 89 and my grandpa is almost 93. When we were leaving, we had to take my grandma back to her living center. We could've helped her much better probably, but my grandpa got up and helped my grandma out of her chair and he helped her as they walked, arm in arm to the car.

This touched my heart, and brought back a similar memory I had working as a cashier at the Logan Smith's Marketplace store.

I was working an ordinary shift one evening, the store was dead slow and I like to people watch when this happens. There was an older song playing overhead, I don't remember the name, but it was about love. I looked down the aisle right in front of me (Aisle 5), and noticed an elderly couple. They were probably in their late 80's or early 90's. The old man had his arm around his sweetheart and was singing the song into her ear. she was smiling, and I could tell that she still loved this man dearly.

As I look around me, and see couples who bicker, fight, or get divorced, I get discouraged. I hope that one day my husband and I will be able to be the cute old couple in the store who still love each other :D


  1. I agree, I love elderly people in general but I think that when they are still in love with each other after so long it is so cute. I have a picture of G&G Carter at our wedding and they are holding hands, it's my favorite!

  2. Ohhh I love these oldies but goodies too! Such a cute post

  3. That is so sweet! It is fun to see older couples still so much in love!

  4. I love it when I see elderly love! It is the greatest love!
