Monday, May 10, 2010

Nothing to Blog About

My life is BORING these days.

I have been trying to come up with something to blog about because I'm sick of pulling up my blog and seeing my last post. So I'm just going to jot down some random thoughts.

I'm all moved home for the summer, and I finally unpacked everything today. It feels good to be back!

I have a summer contract up in Logan that I bought before I found out that I got my internship and couldn't sell, so tomorrow I get to move stuff back up there that I won't use for the summer (For example: rugs, shower curtain, towels, bed spread, sheets, sweaters, etc.). That should be WAY exciting.

I started dating a guy named Adam, and we went on a few dates, but he is going out to Alabama to do APEX installations. I miss him already.

I need to play some volleyball, desperately.

I am SO excited to start my internship! Just 6 more days :D It's going to be great!

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