Thursday, May 13, 2010

Undo It

I was watching CMT one day this week (since I have had SO much to do...) and Carrie Underwood's song "Undo It" came on. She talked about it before, and was talking about how you learn something from every relationship you are in, but sometimes the costs outweigh the benefits, and you just want to "undo it."

I agree with the first part, but not the second. Every relationship or whatever-you-want-to-call-it that I have been in has taught me something very important. Either about myself, or about the type of guy that I want to be around. I would not trade any of my experiences for anything. Even though I have had my heart broken on several occasions, and even broken a few hearts myself, I do not regret the time I spent with each of them, or the things I learned.

I'm not really sure where I am going with this, but as this blog is kind of a journal for me instead of a social thing, I thought it important for me to write down some of my thoughts. Without going into details, I was so frustrated with dating the last couple months. I wish that it was easier, that there wasn't something unknown in it. Sometimes I just wish Heavenly Father would give me a big, flashing sign that says who I should be with for eternity, but then, that would take away our agency, and I would miss out on all the things that I'm supposed to learn. I guess it's all about finding joy in the journey!


  1. good post meg! what i needed to hear!

  2. I agree, you can't wish you could undo everything because that's how we learn. I remember feeling that same dating frustration and soon after I met and quickly married your bro.

  3. Totally agree! Thanks for the post, it was good to hear :)
