Thursday, February 11, 2010

I need...

some family time!

I am to that point where I'm starting to feel too overworked, too stressed out, and too tired of life. And I'm starting to get a little home sick. I need to see my parents, play with my two adorable nephews, tease my brothers (and have them tease me back), and talk and laugh with my sister-in-laws! I love my roommates and my friends and my twinner, but I miss the rest of my family so much! I can't wait to see them again. I hope that I can stop working so much next week and maybe I'll actually be able to get home! I didn't think I'd get homesick after living away from home for that long... Weird!


  1. It happens at the weirdest times. We miss you too! We're not planning on going to your parents this weekend (doesn't sound like you are either) but let us know when you are and we'll head down there. Love you! And hang in there.

  2. We sure miss you too! We can't wait until we can see you again! You are such a hard worker, so way to go to that, but I know it can get so hard sometimes! Just remember how much we lover you! And we read Cole's ABC book with him almost everyday, and he repeats what we say, and on the "M" page, there you are, Megan! Love you!

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  4. oh megan, i'm so sorry! that is rough. but you're a tough girl, and you work so hard. you deserve a little break! hope you get one soon my friend :)
