Tuesday, February 16, 2010


These gorgeous flowers arrived for me on Saturday morning, no name, all it said was a title of a song (which was my clue to who gave them to me) and "enjoy your day, you deserve it." I don't think that the flowers were meant to be "valentiney", which is just fine with me (since I don't like the day...), but they really did make my day! I just found out today, that who I thought sent them to me IS who sent them to me. I love it when guys send flowers "Just because". It's so sweet! If you're reading this, thanks again!


  1. Yeah for flowers! They're really pretty.

  2. Oh man, you let Michelle see this post. That's trouble for me. Now she is going to be expecting flowers too.

  3. aw! that is SO AWESOME! you got some good buddies up there megan, cuz you ARE a good buddy! and you do deserve some flowers. :D

  4. How cool is that? What an awesome friend!

  5. very cute!!! i need to find me one of those guys =)

  6. What a fun trip!! I love the door picture... classic!
