Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I'm so excited to get to be a server at Texas Road House. I know my posts have all been about that lately, but I just can't wait to help my own tables (last night was really good despite that dream). It's good that I worked at smith's before TRH, because I feel like I have a lot better people skills and can talk to them easily. I'm looking forward to another night of training (and free food!). It should be a blast.

Last night after work I went to smiths to get a treat for myself, and was surprised how used to TRH I already am. The environment is just so much more fun, and I love it. I miss seeing my friends at smiths all the time (I'm still working there on Fridays), but I'm making a lot of new ones at TRH also. It's a blast. I don't know if I will enjoy my checking shift very much this weekend though, as I have the freedom to walk wherever I like at the restaurant. This is a fun change in my life, and I can't wait to see how it goes Saturday when I have my own tables.

1 comment:

  1. can i "like" a blog?? :D this post makes me very happy!!
