Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh yeah, I DO like writing :)

I know basically everyone who reads this blog is friends with me on facebook, but since this is more of a journal (and almost no one comments anyway) I wanted to post it just for kicks and giggles.

Just some background on this story, I had a dream where my friend saved me from being abducted, but that's all i could remember so he told me that I had to write the story, and that I had to use these seven words:

1. leap
2. hostage
3. explosion
4. shower
5. kiss
6. dead
7. back-flip

So here's the story I came up with! enjoy!

It started out when I went on my nightly jog. That night I decided to go jogging on a rarely used country lane where I often liked to run at twilight. Usually my nightly runs are relaxing, a thing I look forward everyday to help me unwind. This run was different though. I ran for about 2 miles and then I saw it- the strange van that did not belong, with its door gaping open and no one around. The hairs immediately stood up on the back of my neck and my heart started pounding with a force that was different from the steady rhythm of running.

I slowed to a stop and cautiously took a few steps toward the van. My stomach turned when I saw it- the blood trail that ran from the door of the van down a steep trail and off into the bushes. I knew I had to do something. But what? I stood there frozen, staring at the blood trail with my heart beating fast. What had happened here? I decided to call the cops, I retreated into the bushes on the other side of the country lane in hopes that the bush would hide the light from my cell phone and still let me watch the van.

But it wasn’t enough. As soon as I flipped my phone open and started dialing 9-1-1, I heard a twig snap across the way. I looked up and saw two men come out from the bushes and up the steep trail. They saw my light right away. They started heading toward me. I didn’t know what to do. These two men were HUGE. They looked like they could snap me in half in about a second. I decided that I might be faster than them, so I leapt from the bushes and started running. I knew I could go for a long time since I ran every night, but it wasn’t long before I heard the deep panting of one of the men catch up to me.

This is when I really started to panic. From what it looked like that they had just murdered someone and I knew that they probably weren’t scared to do the same to the only witness of that crime. I ran with all my might but I wasn’t fast enough. The man caught up to me and tackled me on the ground. I felt the blood begin to seep across my face where the dirt and gravel had removed my skin. He yanked me up by one arm, and I let out a scream of pain. Almost before I could even register than he had broken my arm, he had me gagged and tied so tightly I couldn’t move or make a sound. I was terrified. As the man half-dragged me, I stumbled along behind him and I knew that my leg was badly hurt as well. By the time we got back to the van, I knew I was done for.

As tears ran down my face, I was hoping that my friend would be there that night. We saw each other on our runs on the country lane occasionally and I hoped with all my heart that he would be there to save me. I lost hope as the only sound I could hear was the men’s ragged breathing. They threw me in the back of the van. My broken arm screamed in protest at being wrenched behind my back on the hard metal floor. One of the men pointed his gun and me and cocked it. I knew all hope was lost. I realized that I was now their hostage. There was nothing I could do to help myself. They were going to kill me. I prayed that someone could find me, that someone would know I was missing.

I abruptly stopped my tears when I heard the two men’s whispers. I could just make out one sentence “we can’t bury her with the other one…’ and then “Shh, stop!! did you see that?” A little flame of hope rose inside me. What did they think they saw? Was it head lights? They wouldn’t have enough time to cover up the blood they had trickled through the dirt and get out of there before someone rounded that bend. A minute went by that seemed like eternity.

I began to lose hope until I saw him come out from the shadows. The men’s guns came up and pointed at his heart, but he was one step ahead of them. With an awesome back-flip (that can only be achieved in dreams) he landed right in front of them and with two quick moves disarmed the men. One of the guns landed several feet away, and he took the other. He reached inside the van and lifted me out, then shoved the gun into my uninjured hand and started to run with me in his arms since I couldn’t walk or run. The men retrieved their gun in a matter of seconds, and a shower of bullets rained down on us but never hit. He yelled at me to fire back, and one of my bullets penetrated the front of the van and went straight into the engine. There was a huge explosion, and we were launched more than 50 feet down the lane.

When we recovered from the shock of being thrown so far, I realized that I couldn’t move without shards of pain shooting through my body. In a second he was there and lifted me carefully in his arms. He turned around and we looked at the scene of destruction before our eyes. We could make out the seared and mangled bodies of my captors. They were dead. Relief spread through me and I blacked out.

The next thing I remembered was waking up in the hospital. When I woke up he was sitting in my hospital room. He told me how he called the cops and told them where to go. They were in the process of investigating what had happened there. He told me that they had found the body the men had buried and had identified it but would not release the name. He also told me that he had seen me on my way to take my run, and decided that he wanted to join me, From the time it took him to get his shoes and start running, he arrived on the scene just in time to see them throw me into the van. It took him all of two seconds to decide to do what he did.

My body still hurt and I couldn’t move very well, but I reached out my unbroken arm for a hug. He came over, bent down to give me a hug, and with tears in my eyes, I said thank you, as if that could ever be enough for what he did for me. Ikissed him on the cheek and was so glad that I could always count on him to be there for me like he was that night.


Keara said...

Awesome story Megs!! Thats way fun.

The Gillen's said...

Way awesome! I'm more likely to read things on your blog :)

MeganKalynn said...

I love that! Please tell me youre majoring in English :)

Richard and Marianne said...

Megan Carter can I just say how much I love you? I was blog jumping tonight and I read some of your blog posts. The one about angels had me crying (BIG SURPRISE RIGHT?) anyway... you are a VERY good writer and I love the way you express yourself.
Marianne (the old lady who cries a lot!)