Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas shopping.

When did Christmas shopping get so hard?!

I had 3 people on my Christmas list this year.... 3!! And I walked around wal-mart for 2 hours!! It was so frustrating.

In my family, we draw names for all of the kids, so I got my almost-brother-in-law Preston. He was easy. I had his present like a week ago, and I'm stoked to give it to him.

My friends and I decided that we were all too poor and decided that instead of spending money we don't have on each other for things we don't need, we'd let our friendship be enough for this Christmas :)

So my other two people to buy presents for were my parents. I already knew what to get my mom, she said something she wanted like 4 months ago, and it stuck with me. So I wandered around the store until i found it. I hope she likes it!

But my dad.... I was stumped. Here's the problem with shopping for my dad: Anything he actually NEEDS (that I can afford), he would just go buy for himself without thinking about it. So what do you get for the man who has everything? He already has a million tools, camping gear, cookout utensils, a horseshoe set, books etc. But we wanted to get him something he'd actually use, and not something that would just sit in his closet or on his bookshelf for the rest of his life. Amanda and I walked around wal-mart trying to get ideas until we got so frustrated we finally had to leave.

We went to dinner and mom called me back with some ideas. Thankfully! We went to two more stores before we found him a gift. I love giving, but it is getting harder and harder as I grow up. I wish I was still little and cute and could give him a drawing of me and him and have it actually mean something special!

Oh and I lied, I had two more people to shop for. My most adorable nephews. Hands down, I have the worlds best!! We got them the cutest little... well, you'll just have to wait and see :)


Michelle said...

Agreed. That's the reason I love gift cards...but I feel bad giving them to your parents because like you said, if they want it they'll go get it. We struggle finding (meaningful) gifts for them too. Giving = GREAT but giving to people who already have everything = VERY DIFFICULT :)
Oh, and you really don't need to get Landon anything!!!!

Dana said...

Funny thing is Megan, if you drew a picture of yourself with your dad, it really would be meaningful like it was when you were a little girl! I know what you mean, though, I've run into the same problem this year with my kids.......they don't need or want a thing. It was easier when they were little and any toy brought them joy. Now is when being together and enjoying time off from work is Christmas enough!

Adam and Cami said...

I would definitely agree! Christmas shopping is difficult, and it does seem to get harder the older you get! I feel like I have a million people on my list, and with just a few days left, I am still scrambling with a few! I better hurry & figure it out! I'm glad you were able to finally get everything! Good for you!

Leila said...

Hi Megan! I'm your newest follower! :)

Came across through the Next Blog >> button...

I totally understand how Christmas shopping is getting harder and harder as we get older and older! :) It's so much easier when we are younger for sure! :)