Thursday, October 21, 2010

Out of Shape

Wow, can I just say how out of shape I am?

way way WAY out of shape. 

And don't tell me that it's not true. People think because I am THIN, it means I am in shape. This is not so. 

I played volleyball intramurals with a team of 6 girls for the past few weeks. For the first four games, we didn't play anyone who presented much problem... We didn't have to work very hard. 

So this week was tournament playoffs. I played a game Monday night (pretty easy still), Tuesday night (more tough) and Wednesday night. I am still tired from last night's game and it is 3:23pm precisely. That's no bueno.

I am also playing in a totally legit tournament this weekend. We have pool play on Friday (which means probably 3 matches). and tournament on Saturday. 

If I am this pooped after 3 different nights of playing one match each, I am not excited to know what I will feel like on Saturday night. Tournaments used to tire me out, but now I'm that tired after playing just one match! 

I am pretty nervous, all because my out-of-shape-ness. Hopefully it will still be good :)

Oh, and p.s. We won our championship game last night!!! So i get my third intramural champion t-shirt! I'm pretty stoked about that. :D


Anonymous said...

i second this blog to say that i am VERY VERY VERY out of shape. lol. it's bad! but our tournament was sooo fun!!

Anonymous said...

i second this blog to say that i am VERY VERY VERY out of shape. lol. it's bad! but our tournament was sooo fun!!

Adam and Cami said...

That's fun that you get to play! And I totally get what you mean when people think you're so in shape cause you're thin, I'm the same way, but if anybody watched me do ANYTHING athletic, they might really how much I am really OUT OF SHAPE!!!