Wednesday, January 22, 2014

October - More Cute Pics of Levi & Exploration Acres

Levi is the happiest little man. This is one of my all-time favorite pics of him :)

Sister McKell from Dave's mission sent Levi this cute outfit. I think he liked it!

Dave and I went on a date to Indianpolis. We ate at Red Robin and went for a drive to see the new temple being built! We wish that it was going to be done before we left WL, but we might be staying in Indy, so it could be our temple one day!! :)

We went with our friends to a place called Exploration Acres right before Halloween. They have a GIGANTIC corn maze, and food, and activities. We had a blast exploring the area!
 A picture of us above the corn on a look-out.
Levi was a good little trooper in his backpack!

This was on a hay ride out to the corn maze. We are so grateful for our friends, the Rusts. They are wonderful people!

Very flattering half-closed eye picture of me, but look at the cute man beside me :) He's amazing!

We attempted to get a cute picture of the 3 of us. Levi didn't cooperate. Maybe next year we can get a cute pumpkin patch picture! :)


  1. I didn't leave a comment on the other posts you wrote but I just love when you blog. I miss you guys tons and wish we could see Levi at each stage, he's such a cutie!
