Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Grandma and Grandpa Carter come for Thanksgiving

We were so excited when we found out that Grandma and Grandpa Carter were going to come to WL for Thanksgiving! I was also a bit nervous to be in charge of cooking Thanksgiving Dinner, but since it was just the 4 of us, I figured that it was the perfect way to break me into cooking a big dinner!
Levi had so much fun playing with his Grandparents. He was less clingy this time.

We enjoyed a meal at our favorite restaurant - HuHot. I think it's a tradition in the making!! :)

 We had a lot of fun playing games together!

 I LOVED cooking Thanksgiving dinner with my mom!  

My dad carved the turkey! 

It was very yummy! 

On black friday, we went up to Chicago to see some sights. Unfortunately, it was VERY cold that weekend, and we had to keep to indoor activities. We did go to the Natural History Museum. It was way cool! One of their biggest exhibits was on the Native Americans. We had a great time seeing the artifacts and getting to try some clothes on!
 They had a giant dinosaur skeleton like in Night at the Museum. I wonder if this one comes to life at night?! ;)

We had to stop at Giordanno's for deep dish pizza, of course! It was delicious, and we enjoyed every bite! :)

We were so glad that the Carter's could come visit us! It was so nice to be able to spend Thanksgiving with people that we love :)

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