Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Grandma and Grandpa Monk Came to WL!!

In September, Dave's dad had some work to do in Ohio. After he was done, they came out to Indiana to spend the weekend with us! We had a quick visit, but it was amazing to see them for as long as we did!! Levi played with grandma and grandpa.

 He was a little stinker for some of the time...

But as long as mommy or daddy stuck around, he was good :)

We took a tour of Purdue with them. It was fun to walk around and see all the fountains and buildings!

We missed some type of fair, but there was still some Purdue stuff up. We all had to get our pictures in the displays!

We also saw the World's Largest Drum!! (or so it said... I don't think it's really the largest... who knows?!) 

We had to show them the Neil A. Armstrong Hall of Engineering. It is a must see for anyone who comes to West Lafayette! 

We were so glad that the Monks could come and visit us! We had a blast showing them around our little town, and are grateful for their support in everything we are doing :)

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