Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Trip to Utah and Idaho - August 2013

In August, we took a trip out to Utah to see family. Everyone had to meet our little guy! Levi was a trooper on the plane. Everyone around us commented on how good he was :)

We arrived in Salt lake city and spent a day with my family. My parents were excited to see Levi again and couldn't believe how big he had gotten already! Then we headed up to Idaho to see Dave's family. Grandma and Grandpa Monk were very excited to be able to meet Levi and the spent plenty of time cuddling with him.

While we were in Idaho, we had fun playing Croquet and going shooting with the family. Dave's parents know that I LOVE shooting - It used to be the "guys" thing that they did, but now the girls are invited as well :) Dave's Grandpa Monk came over for dinner one day, so we had to get a 4 generation shot!

Levi Enjoyed by held by a LOT of people. Aunts:
Our Friends:

And being with his Cousins! (Manda, two looks good on you ;) )

While at the Carter's, we were able to get together with family and have a fun time Swimming, Eating Snow Cones, Playing Pool, and going to the Zoo! 

 When we went to the zoo, we had a lot of fun watching the polar bears, seeing the otters swim, and going to a bird show. Even Levi got in on the action at the bird show!

 My friend Cassie got married while I was in Utah. I was so happy that I was able to go see her get sealed to her love! Brian is a wonderful guy, and VERY lucky to have her. Congratulations, Cassie Hendricks! :)

 We had an amazing time in Utah seeing all our friends and family! We miss you all!! Can't wait to do it again :)

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