Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oops, I did it again...

I haven't updated since March... that's 3 whole months. I don't know what's wrong with me. Anyways. here is the last little while, but mostly our vacation to California!

Dave finished school in April. He ended up doing well (as I knew he would!) His Capstone team finished 2nd at their competition in Iowa. They did amazing work! I am so proud of him and his team! 

He was also able to get an internship at Autoliv, which is awesome! The only un-awesome thing about it, is that we were stuck in our apt in  Sandy, and we both had to drive north to Centerville and Brigham City. So this has been a fun Summer of getting up early and lots of driving. 

I am still working at MTC, which is going very well. I love having "a real job"!!

Here we are at our Annual Easter Egg "Roll". We had fun throwing eggs to see who could get it the farthest! Dave hit the dumpster this year, VERY impressive :)

Cass and I went to check out the new City Creek mall. We had a lot of fun looking in all the shops! 

Dave drove around the whole Salt Lake Valley looking for some Carne Asada so that we could have this delicious Cinco De Mayo Meal. It was TASTY. Where did he find the Carne Asada, you ask? Harmons. 
Go Figure. 

Our newest addition to the family, Emma Mae Lamb was born on May 1, 2012. She's pretty much the cutest thing ever! 

Over Memorial day weekend, we went to visit the Monks in Idaho Falls. 
We had fun shooting guns and hiking at Heise Hot Springs!

Here we are in the car, SO excited to be heading to CALIFORNIA!! 
We planned this trip forever, it's sad to think that it's over. We had a blast though!
Day 1: Driving.... 

Day 2: We arrived in California and went to the LA temple! We then drove around Santa Monica trying to find a certain ice cream shop that Dave likes... unsuccessfully. That night we stayed with the Mckells (a family in one of the wards Dave served in). Our stomachs hurt from laughing so much. They are super fun!

 Day 3: We went to church at both Newhall wards that Dave served in. It was fun meeting all the people that I have heard stories about. We visited with President Martin, saw the Sarmientos, and had dinner with the Mckells. Which was really nice of them... seeing as it was father's day.

Day 4: We went on a Warner Bros tour and walked down the hollywood stars. During the tour, we saw Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls, the Central Perk from Friends, went into the sound stage where they film the Mentalist, and I was sorted into Gryffindor, Dave was Slytherin. :) I guess we're arch enemies now. haha
 Dave found one of his favorite actors right off the bat! Matt Damon :)
 That night we drove to Newport Beach, where we were staying the rest of the week. It was fun to walk along the beach, see the beautiful sunset, and dip our toes in the water!

Day 5: We went to the beach nice and early so that we would have a spot.... well, when we arrived we found that we were the only ones on the beach! Little did we know that the sun doesn't burn off the clouds until around 12:30 there. So we sat on the beach, shivering, reading books until after lunch, when the sun FINALLY came out and fried us to a crisp!

Day 6: Catalina Island
Here we are on the Ferry, excited to get to the island!
 We rented a golf cart to drive around in and see the island.
 which was a great idea because we got to see the most amazing views!
 We rented bikes to pedal around on. It was fun getting some exercise and seeing more of the backstreets!
 We also rented stand-up- paddleboards. if you haven't done this, do it! It was very fun. It was a little difficult at first, but once we got the hang of it, it was a blast! Pretty cool to be standing on the water :)

Day 7: Go Home day :(
We packed up that morning and headed out, but not before stopping by the Newport Beach temple!
 We then drove the Vegas so that Dave could see the Bellagio Fountains. He had never seen them before!! We also were able to spend some time hanging out with Dave's sisters, Katherine and Lori before heading home! It's always great to see family :)

We had a great time on our trip as well as the last 3 months. Sorry for the long post, but seeing as this is kind of a journal for us, I had to get it all up. Congratulations to you if you read the whole thing :) 


  1. You saw Stars Hollow?! I'm super jealous!!!

  2. ah! looks like you had so much fun!!! i'm sorta jealous! we did that last year, but I wanna go back! I would love to do catalina island. that looks fabulous! :)

  3. Sounds like you had so much fun! I'm glad you were able to go and do something fun!!

  4. You guys are arch enemies! Lol, that is too bad. Looks like a lot of fun!
