Monday, March 12, 2012

Fail? Maybe. or Maybe Not!

I have a co-worker who always plans adventurous things for his family to do on the weekends, and I thought, hey, we should be more like that. Spontaneous and active.

So. I planned a date for us to go to this totally awesome museum one Saturday (At least.... I've HEARD it's awesome). It's called the Leonardo and it's in Salt Lake. I had been hearing advertisements on the radio for it and it sounded great. It's science-y and tech-y and totally hands on stuff. Sounds fun, right? So I plan this big date for us to go to dinner then up to this museum. So it's about 4:30 in the afternoon, and we're getting ready to go. Before we left, I thought, "Maybe I should call and check the hours of the museum so we can decide whether to go to dinner first or not." Glad I did... They closed at 6. Dang it! that wasn't enough time to go through the whole place. We went to dinner and watched a movie at home instead. Needless to say, we still had a great night, even though I was bummed that the plan didn't work out.

Then one day I was reading articles on and saw an article about a huge solar storm that let off a bunch of flares, and that the storm was heading straight to earth. Later that night, I saw a similar story on the news. They showed a map of areas that would have a chance of seeing the Northern lights the next night. There was a chance on the Utah/ Idaho border. So that night while Dave and I were laying in bed going to sleep, I said "Babe, I have a crazy idea... What if we just get in the car tomorrow night and drive north until we see the lights?!" Dave didn't believe that I was serious at first... it took some convincing. But I got him to believe that I was serious, and as it's on both of our bucket lists, we agreed to check it out and see what the chances were that we could really see them.  Well.... the next day at work I checked it out. Turns out the storm wasn't as strong as it was supposed to be. We'd have to drive all the way to Canada to see them... Once again. Total Bummer.

The next night we decided to check out our local dollar theater. Those can sometimes be an adventure... right? So we decided on a movie to go see. We waited around all day for the time to come. Dave did homework. I went shopping and hung out. Finally dinner rolled around and we got ready to go to the movie. We got to the theater, walked up to buy our tickets, and, you guessed it, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol was the ONLY movie on the whole board that was sold out. Go figure! So we got in some shopping for Dave (new shoes and a computer... we've been saving up! Okay... I got some shoes too :) ). Then we went to Coldstone to get some ice cream and made a great night out of it.

So, we've tried being more adventurous. It hasn't worked out too well for us yet, but we always just laugh and smile and say "We'll try again next time" and end up having a great night together anyway. One of these days we might surprise you with the story of an awesome, adventurous, crazy-fun date. But then again, it's the things in life that you don't expect that can end up being the adventure, right? :)

1 comment:

  1. LOve it!Sometimes I think Jeremy and I aren't very adventureous, but each night always turns out fun! :) PS we should plan a date soon, miss you!
