Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My first (real) business trip

wait... what?

I'm not old enough for that!!

But here I am, sitting in my hotel room in Indiana. Yes, Indiana, I know, you all thought I was going to Kentucky, didn't you? Well, the center we are going to is in Kentucky, so that's where I spend my days, but we are staying in Indiana because the town in Kentucky has NO nice hotels.... anywho, that was a long enough explanation...

This trip has been pretty good so far! We traveled all day yesterday, left SLC at 1:50 and got to Indiana around 8:30. (You should see the airport here.... It's HUGE!!!! -a little sarcasm if you couldn't tell) Then we went to the hotel, checked in and got settled. I have a pretty big room, all to my SELF!! It is fun. Although I wish I had a king sized bed instead of two queens... more room to stretch out in!! ( I woke up sleeping diagonal this morning, it was AWESOME... sorry Dave, once we get married, you  won't have anywhere to sleep... haha, jk). what would my ancestors think if they knew I was wishing for a king sized bed instead of a queen when they only had the ground coming across the plains? I guess I shouldn't wish for things like that, eh? Anyway... another tangent! I'm good at those tonight.

So then I talked to Dave for a while and went to bed in my nice SOFT comfy bed :) I had to get up pretty early to go to the center. That was okay though, I fell asleep on the ride out there.

Today I got to do some auditing... not exactly the most exciting work. It wasn't bad though. We counted cash, checks, stamps, etc. then we checked some account reconciliations, then i got to thumb through stacks of time cards to make sure all the signatures were there. It sounds really dull, but I didn't mind it. I'm just trying to learn, and these are good ways for me to do that :)

Anyway, my boss and I ate at a delicious Italian restaurant tonight, we got lasagna, alfredo, and canadian bacon/ pinapple pizza and split it all, DE-LISH!!

Our company's 30th aniversary is this summer, and so to celebrate, we are doing the 30-30-30 challenge, we are supposed  to do 30 minutes of exercise a day for 30 days to celebrate the 30th anniversary. If everyone does this, we are donating 13,000 dollars to the American Cancer Institute. So I went down to the gym after dinner to work out. Forced fitness... gotta love it. It's really good, actually, I need it way bad!!

Then I talked to my honey again. :) Two more days of work, then I get to spend a day and a half with my future in-laws! Really excited about that :D

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are old! j/k You are totally YOUNG!! That's fun though that you are on an actual business trip! I hope you continue to have a good time! I can totally hear your HAPPINESS in your writing! You must be in LOVE! :)
