Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Crazy Morning

This morning was a crazy morning. First, I woke up not feeling well. I was only a little nauseas... but I think that my birth control pills (which I started on Sunday) are making me sick... maybe I just need to eat something when I take them before I got to bed. We'll have to see what happens in the next few weeks.

Then, as I was leaving for work (already running late) I slipped down the wooden garage stairs and fell right on my lower back and scraped my entire right forearm. When it happened I thought that I had seriously hurt my back, but I was able to stand up and now it's just a little sore.

To top it all off, I got stuck in 25 minutes of traffic when it usually takes me 6-8 minutes to get to work. Crazy, crazy traffic. I hate traffic. I was in a terrible mood. On my way to work I passed the accident that caused all that traffic. I wondered when it happened.

So when I got to work, I looked the accident up on KSL. It said that it happened around 7:50. If I hadn't fallen down the stairs, I would have been passing through that area sometime around when the accident happened. SCARY!! I'm not glad that my body hurts, but I'm glad it's not worse!! I feel bad for the people who were involved in the accident and hope they are all okay!!


  1. holy cow megs!! you need to start being more careful! i'm glad you're not REALLY hurt though!! love you!!

  2. Wow, what a morning! But I must say that the fall down the stairs is probably minor compared to being in an accident! I'm sorry you got hurt though!

  3. I hope your back is ok!
    I saw a sneak peak of your engagements..dave sent me the link. They will be beautiful!

  4. I hope your back is ok!!!
    I saw a sneak peak of your engagements..dave sent me the link. They will be beautiful!
