Thursday, April 7, 2011

I love it...

When you stress about a test and end up getting 100%!!

I was so worried about my Advanced Accounting exam today.
It was one question.
AND based entirely on a coin toss. AH!

So preparing for it was just a little stressful.

Of course, I have the worst luck ever, so the coin toss determined that we had to use the cost method-- which I wasn't as prepared for. I thought I was dead meat. But, when I finished the exam, I took it up to the professor, he graded it right there in front of me. and I did it perfectly! 100%!!

I feel so great right now.

I am just loving life in general! Even though I have been stressed and things are crazy, I am so so happy! and I love it!


  1. Awesome Megan! That's great you did aced your test. Good luck with the rest of them.
