Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I have the most AMAZING news!!

I got some BEAUTIFUL new jewelry tonight!!

Dave and I are ENGAGED!!!!

I am so excited. I love him so so much. I can't wait to be his wife and be with him forever. He's one of the best people I have ever known. I'm so blessed to have such an amazing man come into my life!

I assume that you all want "the story"?

So here goes.

Basically, I have a bunch of sneaky sneaky friends who made the whole thing possible.

So Dave and I have known that we are going to get married for a few weeks now. I knew that the engagement would be coming soon since he is leaving for Virginia Beach in a couple weeks. Needless to say, I didn't think he was going to be able to surprise me with the proposal.


Apparently everyone knew that it was going to happen but me.

So, I went over to Amanda and Preston's on Sunday night. While I was there she asked me if I wanted to go do baptisms for the dead sometime this week because she has missed doing them. I said of course and was really excited about going to do this with her.

Well, she texted me and told me that the time we had decided wouldn't work because she had a math lab during that time--liar--and asked if we could go at 7 instead. I said yes, so she "made the appointment" this morning.

Dave had been telling me how busy he is with classes wrapping up and all that, so I had no idea that this was going to happen tonight. I thought he was far to busy to come up to Logan to propose. He had said something about "going on an adventure" this weekend, so I TOTALLY thought that would be it.

So, around 6:50, Amanda came to get me. We had to run back to her apartment because she "forgot" her temple recommend. Really, she just wanted to park in a certain parking lot below the temple, and with where I live, it would have tipped me off that something was up if she had not parked in the upper lot.

We were running "late" by this time so we hurried up the steps to the temple when I noticed her falling behind me a little bit, she tugged on my arm to turn me around, and I saw him walking down the path next to the temple.

As soon as I saw him, I knew immediately what was going on. He loved my look of pure happiness mixed with shock. We walked toward each other and hugged. He got down on one knee and said "I love you so much Megan, will you marry me?!"

Of course I said "YES!!", followed by more hugs, kisses, and LOTS of smiles! I have had perma-smile ever since! We went out to dinner and he stayed to watch my intramural volleyball game.

I love this man so so SO much!!!!!
I can't wait to begin my life with him!! :)


  1. YES! WOOHOO! I'M SO EXCITED!!!! He is so cute! And yes, you do have sneaky friends. hehe :) love you!

  2. Oh I'm glad you were so surprised! Those Monk boys are pretty good at that stuff. We are excited- Welcome to the family!!

  3. I'm so happy and excited for you guys. I love that it ended up being a shocker for you :)

  4. Wow. This made me tear up. I am so happy for you. Goosebumps and tears. Enjoy eternity, love.

  5. Congratulations! You look so happy and you deserve so much happiness!

  6. What a great surprise! I'm so happy for you guys, and your ring is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  7. Congratulation Megan! I wondered at Grandma's party if we'd be hearing that announcement soon. I got engaged in the spring just before I graduated from college too....perfect timing!

  8. I am so happy for you! You deserve the best:)

  9. so fun. i love hearing the cute engagement stories!

  10. congrats megan! i hope you know i am SO happy for you! i loved the story, it makes me happy knowing you are in good hands! you need a guy like that and you deserve the best! love ya girl! :)
