Thursday, April 1, 2010

Recycle and Redesign

For my dress and humanities class, we have a project called "recycle and redesign." For this particular project, we had to make an item of clothing out of reusable or recyclable materials. We (Amanda, Kelley Argyle, and myself) chose to make a fun summer dress out of

It turned out SO cute! I absolutely love it, and the best part is that I get to wear it and be a model in the fashion show we are having on Monday, April 5,2010! Our design is called

"Red is the New Green"

To get into the fashion show, you have to bring a can of food. These cans of food all go towards a hunger prevention program up here called SNAC.

So it's a good cause!

I'm so excited for this event now that we have our item of clothing all done. It will be fantastic!

I will post a picture of the dress after the show.

If you want to come, let me know, and I'll get you a ticket! It's going to be tons of fun.


  1. That sounds like fun and I'm dying to see the dress when you post photos :)

  2. why didn't you post a picture of the dress?

  3. oh man i haven't been on the internet for too looooong! i need to get up to date!
    so i'm super excited to see what this target-bag dress looks like. i lurv target, it's the bomb! ha ha.
    totally chuckled when i read about the gas cap. i'm glad you didn't have to resort to stuffing a rag in there.
    sounds like you had a g-r-8 trip out east! gotta say, i'm a bit jealous. ;D
    super glad you had no lasting damage from the volleyball hit. yikes!
    and did you ever find out who sent you those beautiful flowers?
    anyway, love you lots megan! hope to see you and amanda soon!!!! XOXO
