Monday, April 5, 2010

Fashion Show

So, I promised I would post picture of the dress for the Recycle and Redesign fashion show. Here's amanda and Kelley cutting the bags out.
This is the start of the project. We used bent safety pins to put it all together, but it worked! We started with the top band and attached the other strips down from there. We sewed it all together, thanks mom for the sewing maching!!
Here's me, sewing away:

Here's the finished product:
Here's the back of it, It had pieces of straps sewn on the back which is how it was done up.
here we are after the fashion show. And......

we won BEST IN SHOW!!! It was so exciting! what an honor! It was absolutely awesome, and I'm still way excited about it. good work girls!


  1. Wow! You girls did a GREAT job with that, I love it. I didn't see the other things obviously but I can see why you won best of show. Way to go.

  2. GASP! i seriously LOVE IT! you could send those pics to target and i'm sure they would do something for you. they could probably use that design for advertising or something.
