Sunday, December 13, 2009

Super Mario Brothers -- Wii Style

I played a video game with my family for about... oh I think it was around 4 hours. maybe 4 1/2. We had a absolute blast. Do you remember the old Super Mario Brothers for super nintendo? Imagine that only you play with 4 players at a time! All on the same screen, bouncing off each other, pushing people into pits, and all the other good things you can do with four players. There were a few times when we inadvertently sacrificed someone else to save ourselves (usually it was Jeff.) Ah! It was so confusing trying to keep track of my little mario guy. But that's part of the fun.

There are so many great new gadgets to use as well! In the old one, you only had a mushroom, cape, fire-power flower, yoshi, and extra lives. In this one there are all those, plus more! There are ice-power flowers, propeller hats, and penguin suits, but my favorite "extra gadget" was the mini-mushroom. It made us so tiny that we could fit through any little crevice. Also, it makes it possible to run on water! And when you jump, oh my goodness, it's like your floating through space! It's the best, but kind of rare, so you have to rely on other gadgets most of the time.

This game is amazing. It's so fun. There are. . . 8 worlds, I think. We've only gotten to world four (yes, it took us approximately four hours to do this. . . . and we skipped past a lot of levels and didn't bother with finding out secrets. . . yet.) I highly recommend getting this game if you have a Wii. It had our family laughing again and again!!


  1. that game seriously looks like the best idea in all of history, excluding food, beds, and indoor plumbing.

  2. ha ha dude, i seriously laughed out loud with "pushing people off pits" and such. sounds like oh SO much fun ;D

  3. i finally played it on new year's eve, and it was with you! it really is fun!
