Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Last 4 Months.... Where Have I BEEN?

Okay wow. I am just now getting to updating the blog. It's bad when you don't upload pictures for 3 months.... so here goes :)

Dave had fun last semester playing flag football. I was lucky enough to get to go to two games. He's a great player, and his team did great!!

We carved pumpkins for Halloween. it was a bit of frustrating experience for me, i didn't want to cut all the way through the pumpkin so it'd glow instead of being open..... it didn't work. oh well! Our pumpkins turned out cute!

 My friend Chelsey got married in October. It was a beautiful wedding and they are such a fun, happy couple! Congrats Chelsey and Jeremy!! 

Dave planned a very sweet date for our 3 mo. anniversary. He made a creamy penne pasta for dinner, and then we made down-time shirts together. The only rule: draw something that reminds you of each other.

I drew the costa vida logo because that's where we met. He drew a scene of us with the horse that pulled our carriage when we celebrated valentine's day last year. This was such a fun night!! we loved spending some good, quality time together. It was fun to remember all the fun stuff we did when we were dating.

We got mini cast iron skillets from my friend Cass for our wedding, so we FINALLY tried them out. We make some Fh'zookies! and they were DANG good :)

My husband is so sweet! He brought me these one day out of the blue. They were the most gorgeous roses ever!! Kudos to him :)

I realize this is sideways... but... i'm too lazy to change it. I spent some time one night, when Dave was busy with homework, making a maternity dress for my sister. There's a lot of extra fabric in the front so she'll have room to grow :)

Dave and I got called to teach the 4 year olds in primary. They were so cute helping do the nativity scene!! It has been a very fun (and sometimes not-so-fun) calling!! They definitely keep us on our toes!

We visited temple square right before Christmas. The lights are beautiful! I think they used to do more when I was a kid though.... We froze to death but still had a great time!

We spent Christmas in Las Vegas with Dave's family. As you can tell from the pics, it was WARM down there. So nice. We went to the park a couple times, played with the kids, had fun together, and ate lots of good food! I love my new family!

Dang cute, right?

All the guys got guns (air rifles) for Christmas! they were pretty excited :)

Cute Reesey :)

Jon got a pop-corn machine for his new basement, so we got to enjoy the first trial-run!

For new years eve we had Amanda and Preston over. We went to dinner at Applebees and blew the $50 giftcards our parents gave us for christmas. Then we played games and counted down to midnight. It was a lot of fun! I wish we had taken some pictures :)

That's pretty much 2011. It's so crazy to me that's it's 2012 already. The time is just FLYING by.

Dave's birthday is on the 5th of Jan, so we got to celebrate that right after all the holidays! He was sick on his birthday though, poor guy. He still enjoyed his presents and visiting his family though!

Exactly one week after Dave's birthday, I had a birthday. They are starting to come too fast now!

I felt like getting my crafty juices pumping, so I made this "family birthdays" sign for my mom for her birthday. Little did I know how much work it was going to be! I love how it turned out though, and it was totally fun to see it finished!

On the 21st we got to go see Brian Regan! We bought the tickets way back in September when they first went on sale. So we had been waiting a LONG time! Before the show we went to the Pie Pizzeria and got some awesome pizza! We had such a blast at the show and laughed so hard our abs hurt! If you haven't heard his stuff, look it up :) I didn't take any pictures of him... whoops!!

So there is a very loooooooooong nutshell of we've been up to for the past 4 months! 

1 comment:

Amberly said...

It sounds like you've had a fun 4 months!! You are SUPER crafty, your stuff looks very professional! Even looking at that Costa Vida shirt sitting on the desk, I thought it was one you bought or something! :) Way to be!