Saturday, December 31, 2011


Wow. 2011 is gone.  This year was a year FULL of changes. Crazy, wonderful, life-altering changes!! And I have loved every single one of them. First, we got engaged on April 12th, then I graduated from college on May 7th. Right after that, I started a full time CAREER on May 17th. Then on August 4, we were married for time and eternity. Like I said, HUGE changes. If there is one thing that I am sad about for 2011, it would be that i didn't write anything down. Sure, I have sporadic posts on the blog, and even more sporadic entries in my journal, but I won't remember all the small stuff. And that's the important stuff. So starting with 2012, I am going to be better at writing down the small stuff. That's my new years goal :) Happy New year everyone!!

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