Thursday, May 1, 2014

March and April

 Happy Easter! All year the past year, I have been looking at this adorable suit sitting on Levi's shelves, hoping that it would fit at Easter time, and it did!! (Even thought the pants were a tad big...) Grandma and Grandpa monk sent us a small Easter package and Levi had fun playing with the eggs!
Our cute little family in our Easter outfits!

We had a couple of friends over for Easter dinner. It was so fun! We had meat and potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, and banana slushies, followed by strawberry shortcake for dessert!! oh my goodness. it was AMAZING. I was in pain from eating too much, THAT'S when you know it was delicious :) We're so glad we have great friends!

We have been having AWESOME weather here in Indy, and Levi LOVES being outside.  We have gone on walks, been to the park, and basically had the door open all the time. Levi loves to sit by the door and watch the cars go past!

 This is Levi and his friend (betrothed ;) ) Cambria. They play together a lot (because their mommies play together a lot) and they love playing in the grass together :)

In March, Dave's dad came out to Indy to visit us for a weekend. He was going to Ohio for business and decided to stop by. He is SO cute with Levi! Levi laughs and laughs when Grandpa Monk plays with him :) We went on a walk over the pedestrian bridge, it was pretty! We couldn't help thinking how beautiful it would be in a few weeks when the leaves start to come out. We enjoyed having Dave's dad here even though it was only for a short time. We love seeing our family members!!

It has been a good past couple of months! I need to be better at taking pictures of things besides Levi... lol. I'm not so great at it. But he's cute, so it's ok, right?! we love that the weather is improving, and we can go outside and do things now :)

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