Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Home Projects

Dave and I have been busy lately with home projects that I have wanted to do. Luckily, I have a great husband who allows me (and helps me) to do them all!

We got this old dresser from my brother when we got married. I have never loved it, but it does the job! After disagreeing for a little while on what color we'd paint it if we DID paint it, we set to work on it. I had to do some research because I didn't know how to paint laminate furniture. Fortunately, I found this tutorial over at centsational girl that recommended Zinsser primer. worked like a charm!!

 Sanding. Always fun :)


First coat of paint

The finished product!

Before and After. We love how it turned out! I want to paint EVERYTHING now :)

I have also been wanting some shelves to put in the closet in the baby's room because there was a ton of wasted space in there. I could never quite find what I wanted though, so we decided to build it. We went to Home Depot and had them cut the wood to our specifications.

We drilled braces into the sides for the shelf

Then we drilled the shelf into the braces 

Last, we put the top on. 

These were pretty simple to build, and made our closet so much more organized and the space more useful! I love it :) We may paint them someday, but for now, we'll keep them natural looking. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! They look great! I need to do some home projects too. Want to come over? hehe
