Monday, September 24, 2012

July to September

Catch up time again! In July, Dave and I were BUSY moving. We found a really nice apartment in Saratoga Springs that was a better deal for us, so we packed up and moved. We had a lot of help from family and friends! Thanks to everyone who helped :)

We spent the rest of July working and getting situated in our new apartment. We love it here! (I wish I had some pictures.... too lazy.)

We celebrated our first anniversary on August 4. We went to park city and rode the zip-line, went to the outlet malls and enjoyed an awesome dinner at olive garden! We are going to re-create one of our favorite pics from the wedding each year. How did we do?

Last year at my company golf tournament. We got a prize for getting the highest score. aka. being the worst. BUT it was a free 9 holes of golf!! So we decided to hit the golf course one Saturday. We had a blast playing together. 9 holes is just about right for me!

My co-worker gave me 3 tickets to a Bees game in early September. We decided to take Brenton with us to give Lori some much-needed quiet and alone time. We all had fun at the game, although I think B had more fun looking at the kiddie train and eating candy (actually, I probably did too.) :)

We went on two camping trips in the last little while. One was over Memorial day weekend with the Monks! We had a blast reading, exploring, four-wheeling, tubing, and having some much needed family time.

 Our second camping trip was the 21-22 of September. We went to Box Elder Campground with Chelsey & Jeremy, and Amanda & Preston. Amanda and Preston didn't stay the night, but we were glad they could come hang out with us for a while! :) We roasted hot dogs, smores, and had a great time catching up with our friends!!

My company golf tournament this year was on September 15th. It turned out that Dave had an intramural football game that day that he couldn't miss, or they'd forfeit. So I recruited Cassie to be my golfing buddy! She's way better than me, but we had a lot of fun. 18 holes really wears you out though!!

Other things that have happened lately:
  • Dave started his LAST semester of undergrad! WooHoo!! He also took the GRE and did very well! Good job babe!! 
  • We got called as 14-15 year old Sunday School teachers which we are excited about! It's fun to teach people who actually understand what we are talking about. 
  • Also, we LOVE our new ward!
  • We have been trying to do lots of fun things together lately- golfing, cooking new recipes, getting shaved ice, and playing volleyball are a few. We love being able to spend time together :)

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