Thursday, August 18, 2011

The new Mr. and Mrs.

Here we are, Newlyweds :D

One of our professional photos. Can I just say that I LOVE our photographer?

 Me and Amanda. Love you girl!! :)

Our wedding was awesome! And it went off without a hitch! It was a beautiful, wonderful, amazing day. Thanks everyone who helped make it great. We loved having our family and friends there to support us. We had a great time at the reception, where tons of people came to congratulate us. I'm glad that Dave didn't smash cake in my face (which I think he really would have loved, but he was very respectful and didn't because I asked him not to!), and that Keara caught the bouquet. Hopefully someone snagged some pictures of that!!  

We also loved the car decorations, funny gifts, and Dan for helping us get out of the reception!

And then we were off to FLORIDA!! We got lots of honks on the drive to the airport Friday morning since we didn't wash the car. Thanks to Dave's side of the family, we came home to a beautiful, clean car. I'm sure that wasn't fun. Thanks guys!

 We had a long day of travel Friday, and I can't say it was exactly fun, but I'll tell you what, having a lap to sleep on during the flight is a HUGE plus! So. When we got to Florida, we got to the hotel pretty late at night. We paid for a Harbor-view room and they said they'd upgrade us to a higher room since we were on our Honeymoon. Well, we got to our room, and this was the view:
(Our faces are funny :) And I didn't really do my hair the whole trip -too humid- I'm over it. I hope you are too.)

 Not exactly the Harbor, right? We were very sad. So we called and asked about it and they said they accidentally put us in the wrong room (?!). How does that happen? Anyways, So we moved rooms and we were much happier in our new, top-floor, HARBOR-VIEW room :)

Yeah, it was pretty cool. VERY beautiful. 

This was our hotel. Pretty cool, eh?

Dave wanted some sandals so we went shopping. We were both very excited about our purchases!

Enjoying the patio outside our hotel.

These little guys were all over the place. I wanted to catch one, but it ends up that I'm too much of a wuss. and too slow.

This is a funny car. Would you drive one? I wouldn't! 

Florida has some GORGEOUS sunsets. And our hotel had a very cool pier. Piers are cool. I just love them.   

You can't tell, but this is us enjoying the sunset while sitting on the pier. 

Sandy feet :)

We are silly.

We went to Siesta Key. It is BEAUTIFUL there. If we ever go to this area of Florida again, I think we'll pay a little more to be closer to this beach. We had fun laying on the beach reading and playing in the waves. Big waves. They were great! 

I had to document this. I don't think I've ever seen him crack a book before, he doesn't read a ton anymore. But this was the HUNGER GAMES. And we all know how you have to read that  book. I read it with him over his shoulder. I think I've gotten him back into reading :) 

On the way home from Siesta Key, we visited the Ringling (I think?) Museum. They have these cool trees called Banyan Trees. Believe it or not, behind us is all ONE tree. The tree grows with an original trunk and as branches grow longer, roots descend to the ground forming new trunks. They were SO legit. I loved them!

And... this is what it did for about two days of our trip. If you can't tell, there is a torrential downpour going on outside. That streak near the left side of the door is actually a waterfall coming from the roof. Awesome. The rain stopped periodically, though, and we still found fun things to do, like going to the outlet malls, eating at a strange Mexican hole-in-the-wall, and driving to St. Petersburg. 

We had to get a picture of this Speed Limit sign. It speaks for itself... :) 

 Aw, Cute. We are in love!
We had an amazing trip to Florida. I can't wait to go back!!

I love you Dave!! FOREVER :)


  1. So cute. I love you guys and am so happy for you as you begin your journey together. Marriage is awesome. Congrats again.

  2. Looks like fun! I can't believe you guys are already married! Welcome to the family again. I can't wait to see your apartment - I hear it's cute. We'll have to come visit you guys soon.

  3. Just saying hello from the Amish community of lebanon,Pa. enjoy your day folks. Richard from Amish Stories.

  4. cute florida w/ humidity is awful(i feel ya there) your pics made me jealous..i love florida! thanks for the post!

  5. You guys are so cute! I'm so glad you had such an awesome honeymoon! Love ya!
