Saturday, May 7, 2011

Leaving Logan today was more than a little tough. A lot has happened there in four years. I've had hard times, lots of tears, and many frustrations, but I've also had good times, great friends, happiness, laughter and accomplishments. I love that in life you tend to remember all the good things that have happened to you. I plan on spending a lot of time in the next few weeks doing just that: Remembering the good :) I'm going to make a big scrapbook of my 4 years of college life.

I'm going to miss that life. I'm going to miss the spontaneous decision to go hang out with my friends, the staying up late to watch a movie and eat popcorn just because, the girls nights where we paint our nails and eat pizza while watching a chick flick, the waiting up to hear how a roommate's date went, the sleepovers, the laughing, the inside jokes, Taco Tuesday, game nights, and much much more!  I'm going to miss my friends DEEPLY (not that I won't ever see you again... I just won't live by you :( ). I love you guys!! And I just want to say THANKS for making college AWESOME.

I will miss my new friends I have made at Smith's Marketplace (can't believe I worked there for FOUR years! Who knew that would happen? NOT me!!), the friends from school, and all the people who have made such a positive and lasting impact on my life. I know that all these people came into my life for a reason, that the time I spent with each one of them has helped make me who I am today.

I am going to miss campus. I love Logan. I could live there forever and be perfectly happy. Even though it's cold and I complain a lot about the snow, I think it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. It'll be weird not having all the Logan-y things I have become accustomed to. I even tried to eat at all my favorite Logan restaurants before I left this week because I love them so much.

BUT, I am ready to move on to the bigger and better of life. Life is changing rapidly. I'm graduating, starting a career, and getting married, all within a three month window. I am so excited for these changes, no matter how much I am going to miss the past. At least I have those experiences, right?!

I can't believe I'm done with school. What a weird feeling. Just a week ago, I was stressed out with finding enough time to study for my finals. I will never have to do that again. I will find other things to stress about, but won't have to get up at 4:30am to study for a test. I won't have pull late nighters because I procrastinated one project or another. This is a WEIRD feeling. That has been my life for four years. It is such a relief to think that I'll never have to do that again.

I am seriously nervous about starting my career. I am just not exactly sure what to expect. I don't know what I'm going to be doing, it'll be accounting of some type, but I just feel so unready to enter the workforce. At the same time, I have gotten a good education, been taught by capable people, and most importantly, I have learned how to apply myself and do my best. I am so excited to have my own desk. One that's really mine. That I can put pictures on my future hubby up in. I'm excited to be in the professional world. I might struggle at first to learn the job, but what job isn't like that? I'm excited to be a 'grown up'.

The most important and wonderful and amazing thing that is happening in my life is my marriage. I cannot wait to marry Dave. He is my everything. I can't imagine someone better for me to be with than him. He makes me a better person. I am excited to see how our life together unfolds; Where we'll end up, what he does for work, what I do for work, if i work, what our children will be like. Ah! I love just thinking about all of it. I LOVE this change in my life. It's everything I hoped for and more.

I know that this got kind of long and mushy and corny, but I have many emotions in my heart right now. It's something that I need to document for myself, and so I'll have it in 25 years to look back on when my kids are going through the same things :)


  1. So much is in store for you...glad we will be a part of it! Good luck w/ your new job..that's so exciting! xoxoxo

  2. What a great accomplishment, Megan! We are so excited for you for your upcoming job and marriage!

  3. Love you Megs! I'm excited for you and your "new" life :) Miss you in Logan though
