Friday, March 11, 2011

Yeah, you SHOULD be jealous :)


I just got back from a cruise. Yes, you read that right-- a CRUISE!!

It. was. AWESOME!

I am so fresh from this cruise that my house is still swaying like the ship. I think it could take a couple days for that to wear off.

As you can probably tell by my reactions to it, that this was my first cruise. It was actually a lot of firsts for me! My first cruise, my first time in a foreign country, my first time eating 10 ice cream cones in one day :), My first road-trip to California, my first vacation without my parents (besides St. George), and probably a few more that I can't think of!

We left Saturday to drive down to Vegas and stayed with Dave's sister Katherine (who is way awesome, just like the rest of his family!), then we drove the rest of the way to Long beach and spent time in Santa Monica on Sunday. Then we were FINALLY able to embark Monday. (I was a little dizzy that night, even with the motion sickness pills in me). Then Tuesday we stopped in Catalina, which was GORGEOUS. Wednesday we spent in Ensenada, Mexico, which is was very cool and fun, but also a little, tiny bit scary! Thursday we spent on the ship at sea (getting lots of ice cream and a tan/sunburn), and sadly today we had to disembark.

It was a fun trip, but it is late and I need to get to bed. I am going to upload pics and more details of what we did as soon as I can!! But yeah, definitely be jealous of my way awesome trip!!


  1. Fun! Fun! All except the dizzy part. I have had vertigo for 8 weeks and can’t even imagine what I would be like on a ship! lol Glad that you got away. Being in such close quarters with his family gives you an opportunity to really get to know them!

  2. Yes, i'm jealous! (but we might be going later this year for our anniversary!) But I can't wait for pictures! Glad you had fun!
