Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Moving :(

The last few days and weeks have been pretty hectic. We have been packing our brains out... and it's not exactly fun. We are officially moving out of our house in Centerville tomorrow, never to return.

It makes me so sad. I have spent the last 10 years of my life here. (Well, except when I've been at school). There are so many good memories at this house. I'm going to miss the ward. My good young womens leaders and all the people who have had such great influences in my life! To all of you, I say thank you and that I love you! I'm going to miss stopping to say hi to my neighbors across the street and waving at neighbors on my way home from work every night.

But I'm not going to miss the tiny backyard. I'm excited that we're moving to a place with a big back yard! and a deck! and a playground and a pool right across the street! I'm excited to meet new people and make new friends!

I'll miss this house. I'm going to be very sad to say goodbye :(


Michelle said...

Change is hard but good. The most important thing is to remember how living there shaped who you are now.

Unknown said...

We are going to miss you and your family very, very much!

MeganKalynn said...

crazy! where are you guys moving to?

Megs said...

we are just moving to farmington, it's only like 5-10 min away from our old house.