Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Love Summer!

I decided last week that I didn't want to spend yet another weekend just sitting around, so I decided that it would be fun to go hiking somewhere. I texted Chelsey to see what she had planned on Saturday, and we decided to do a hike together. 

We found a couple more friends to go with us, and we had originally planned to go up to Adam's canyon in Layton and go on a hike up there, but that plan fell through. So I decided to take them on a hike I've been on a few times. it just right above my house, and you'd never know it was there. There's a beautiful waterfall at the end, and I absolutely loved it!

This cool little cascade of waterfalls is on the way, and we just loved it and had to get a pic in front of it.

 Here I am going underneath the waterfall, that water was FREEZING.

 Posing for a pic :)

This is the group we went with (from left to right: Me, Kyler, Chelsey, and Tyler)

Here we are again, this time in front of the waterfall! It was so pretty and green up there!
This was so much fun, and Chels and I want to go hiking a lot more often! This is why I love the summer!


Michelle said...

There aren't many things better than a good hike in my book...I wish Jeff liked hiking. That looks like a nice one and cold water after a hot hike is a nice treat.

Celine Krestine Jakobsen said...

How cool! I love your blog.