Monday, May 31, 2010

Ritz with S'mores and Banana Boats

So, many of you may think I'm crazy, and maybe I am, for going to meet my boyfriends parents and family last night... without him. He's all the way in Georgia and his mom invited me to go up to their campground and spend some of the evening with them. So I went! I met them at Adam's sister's house, and she was kind enough to ride up to the campground with me! She was way fun to talk to, and made me feel right at home! When we got to the campground, I was happy that the feeling continued! Their family is a lot like mine, and so I wasn't uncomfortable at all.

It was an absolute blast. We played one of their family games called marble board, which is basically like sorry, with a few other rules. We also played the pirate game, a.k.a. --pirate dice! We roasted hotdogs, marshmallows, and bananas (more about that later) and had corn, and sat around the campfire and talked.

They (Adam's brother mostly) tried their best to embarrass me with questions (like how our first kiss happened), which I'll admit worked on a few. But then again, I'm used to it with my brothers, so it wasn't too bad. :) His family was absolutely great to me and we had an awesome time.

Their family has 2 traditions that I'm positive I will end up implementing into mine.

The first: they eat s'mores with Ritz crackers instead of graham crackers. I thought this would be so gross, but I was up for trying it anyway. They are AMAZING like that. You have to try them. I will never go back to grahams. (Unless that's all there is of course! :D) But seriously, try it.

The second: two words, Banana Boats. These are pure delicious-ness. Here's how you make them: cut a V out in the un-peeled banana, eat the inside of the V, but do not cut off the peel, you'll need it later. Then you stuff that V with all kinds of goodness, we did chocolate chips and marshmallows, but I'm sure you could add whatever else you want. Then you replace the loose part of the peel over the now full V, wrap the banana in tin foil, and place it chocolate-chip-side down in some hot coals, wait about 5 minutes, and enjoy with a spoon. Yum!

If you're reading this, Terilynne and Curt, thanks for a fantastic time and for even thinking to invite me in the first place! It was so fun :)


  1. I'm glad you went and even more glad you had fun. The banana boat thing sounds nasty but that's because I'm not a banana fan and I do think I'll try the smores with Ritz.

  2. You are....a brave girl. I don’t think I could have done that! What is he doing in Georgia and where in Georgia?

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