Sunday, January 3, 2010

What I Know

There is something that has been weighing on my mind a lot recently, and that is what I really believe about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

The thing that got me thinking about this is that I got asked out on a date. Normally this would not invoke the thoughts that I have been having. It would not cause me to question my beliefs and figure out what I KNOW so deeply.

But this man is not LDS. He is an incredibly nice guy. I work with him, and it's fun to joke around with him and talk to him while we're at work, but I see him as a friend, and only as that. And not because he's not LDS, but because I just don't see him like that.

So, I started thinking about why I would have to say no to that date, and I thought about not being really interested in him, but then I also thought about my religion and how much it means to me.

I remember my parents saying once that who you date is who you marry. It's so true. How could I tell this nice man that I can't date him because he's not LDS? He said to me once before (like 2 years ago) that it bugged him when people wouldn't date people of other religions. I knew that if I told him I couldn't go out with him because of that, he would ask why.

This is when I really started to ponder the why.

I can't date someone who's not LDS because being married in the temple is too important to me. Through my thoughts I figured out that this IS a very important goal. If and when I get married, it WILL be in the temple. Who doesn't want to be with the one they love FOREVER? That is the greatest promise the Lord can give us. And of course, these thoughts led to others. If I knew this thing that deeply, what else do I know? I KNOW that this is the true church of God upon the earth. I also know that He loves me. Me, this little insignificant part of the world. I feel that love all around me. It fills me up, makes me happy. I know that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and that he died on the cross for each of us. I know that he is always there for whoever will seek him out.

I'm thankful that I've had the opportunity to ponder over these things. And that the spirit has borne witness to me that it is true!


micah folsom photography said...

I totally get 'you marry who you date'... but just a thought... I dated two boys who weren't LDS and they both ended up getting baptized:]

brittany michelle said...
