Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Scary Meeting

Today I gave a talk in sacrament meeting, I was nervous. But that was not the scary part of the meeting. As I was giving my talk, I was just going along, minding my own business. I had finally calmed down by this point when all of the sudden,


The Microphone went berserk!

It scared the whole congregation (and me). Everyone jumped and then burst out laughing. I wish I could have seen the look on my face... It scared me so bad that I started crying, I did everything I could to blink back the tears, but it was SO frightening. Luckily I didn't cry, but it was a close call. Brother Zilles accidentally knocked the volume knob with his hand. He was so embarassed after sacrament meeting and kept apologizing to me. I told him it was okay, and that it was good for a laugh. Everyone will always remember my talk at least :D


  1. hehe, I bet that was funny! I bet you did wonderful, sorry I didn't make it.

  2. That's too bad something like that happened when you were already nervous. I'm sure you did a great job anyway and at least it's over now!

  3. dude! i would have totally wet my pants! (or skirt)! and of course you did well, how could you not? you are awesome! ;D

  4. not that anyone was asleep during your talk--you are an engaging speaker--but i wish i had seen someone wake up to that noise.

  5. I bet your talk was amazing even without the 'equip malfunction'! You really musta been scared though if the mic going crazy almost pushed you over the edge ;) way to stay strong though!!
