Monday, January 4, 2010

A Nerd's Mixed Emotions.

I am a nerd


I love Stargate SG-1. Actually, I love anything SyFy. Amanda and I started watching the 10 season series back in about June. We have two episodes left of the 10th season. I can't wait to finish it! But I will miss watching the show every night with Manda and Britt. I am so torn about a show... It's kinda lame. I guess we'll just have to wait for the next movie!


  1. vala and teal'c are my favorite ever! but that doesn't mean that i don't love the rest of the team. they are just the most awesome characters ever! i am sad for you though, because you have no more new episodes. i can still watch about half of the series for the first time.

  2. DUDE! i'm a nerd too! let's be nerds together! i'm glad i'm not the only one ;D
