Thursday, January 14, 2010

Life in General

Well apparently my last post was too short for some people (it was pretty short)... So I'm posting again. I don't really know what this will be about... but here goes.

My new favorite show, which I watch re-runs of almost every night, has become The Nanny. What a great show. I am thinking of starting the series, but then I might have a little more trouble paying attention to school.. so maybe I won't. I love watching the relationships between the characters grow and develop. I'll just have to keep watching it while I do homework at nights :D

School is going well. I'm not really sure about some of my teachers, but what's college without a few boring teachers, eh? I can't believe I'll only have one more year after this semester! I'm so excited to graduate and very scared at the same time. The real world is a terrifying place, and I can kind of see why people stay in school for so long, although I don't think that's really for me.

I've been thinking of getting a new job soon. Every time I go to Manda's work (Texas Road House) someone asks me if I'm going to come work there. I think that I'm going to go talk to the manager and see if I can get on as a server. That is a way scary position for me because there are so many things that could go wrong, but once I get used to the job, I think I could be pretty good at it. I don't know, we'll see. I hate going through training for new jobs, and that would explain why I still work at Smith's Marketplace. I'll probably keep both jobs just because smiths has a little more open availability and I can just work there 1 or 2 days a week. Plus, I'm not getting many hours there, so it would be good to go somewhere that I can get a few more.

I am taking advanced volleyball again this semester! What a great class. On tuesday, the coach told everyone that anyone who doesn't know what they're doing in volleyball better get out of the class, and we had a kind of "tryouts". Tuesday was looking kind of bleak for the class, with not very many skilled players, but today the class looked a lot better, and we had a lot more fun. Unfortunately, Amanda has had to miss out on some of the fun this week due to a sprained ankle. She is hopefully on the mend, and feeling a little bit better each day. I hope you can play with us again soon sis!! I felt so good when I got done playing today. I remember now why I sleep so good when I'm involved with playing! :)

Well that's about it for life right now. I hope that was a good enough post for you (you know who you are) :)

Camel out!


  1. That was an excellent post! :) I didn't know you had to "try out" for your class. I would've gotten extremely nervous, even if I was pro like you. ;) and if you like a show, watch it. it's not like you'll spend 24/7 in front of the tv. it's okay :)

  2. I've been watching The Nanny recently on Nick@Nite when I get home from work. I love The Nanny! Fran is so gorgeous and they've been knocking her age on the show lately! Lol.

    I highly approve this post!
