Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pasta Roni

Brittany said it wasn't to late to blog about this, so here goes.

One day I came home from school, looking forward to my usual lunch of pasta roni. I love pasta roni. You can just stick it in the microwave while you do something else (like change out of wet clothes). So like any other day, I popped it in the microwave not thinking anything of it. I was so excited to eat it because i was SO hungry. Well, I waited those 11 LONG minutes, and started voraciously devouring my yummy pasta roni.

It wasn't until I had gotten through the third or fourth, maybe even fifth bite that I realized something was terribly wrong. It tasted so odd. I couldn't figure it out. It took a few more tentative, careful bites, for me to determine that there was indeed something wrong with my pasta roni. I patted my tongue against the roof of my mouth, trying to determine the oddity. You know how when you smell things, you can usually also taste them in you mouth? well, this is how I discovered the odd taste in my favored lunch. It tasted like dish soap--Cascade lemon flavor to be exact.

My roommates had failed to warn me that dishwasher had not dissolved all of the soap in the last load. So I had literally cooked the leftover soap into my food. I sadly dumped my beloved pasta roni into the garbage can and rinsed the container out and tried again (I had another box). All the while my roommates were getting a good laugh in at my torture. I was so sad. Anyway, after 11 MORE long minutes, I started to eat it again. Once again, the strange taste was still present. I thought that maybe it was just in my mouth, and kept eating. Little did I realize that rinsing the container out was not good enough. The whole batch tasted of dish soap once again. I also discovered that the culprit residue was on my fork as well. I gave up trying to eat lunch, and settled for some no-utensils-needed Nilla Wafers before heading back up to class.

We have gotten the dishwasher fixed, but we have to hand wash all our dishes before using them in case they were part of that load. And I swear to you, I still taste it a little bit every time I eat, even if I do wash them by hand. It was quite the experience.

Also, we got a good quote for our Quote Wall (pic coming soon!) Britt was really stressed out this day, and said to me, "I'll have pizza for lunch, pizza is not stressful." So I said back to her, "it is when it tastes like soap!" This is now up on our quote wall, and a very comical memory.

Side note and moral of the story: If your dishes come out of the dishwashers with water-spot-looking spots, don't conclude that they are just water spots. They may well be dishwashing soap.


brittany michelle said...

i didn't know you made the pasta roni twice! ha ha. well, at least we got a good quote out of the experience, right? :)

The Gillen's said...

Haha. Funny story. You still should've eaten it, you ate most of it all ready. Or sent it to us starving kids in China. We would eat it :)

Keara said...

haha.. pizza really isn't stressful at all. What a great thing to say Brittany!

Michelle said...

Ha! That's funny...though not so funny since you're the one that experienced it. You should ask Jeff sometimes about his soap experience.