Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December in a (Big) Nutshell

This December has been a busy month. Finals went great, and I got all decent grades... and I'm so glad to be done with ECON!!! FOREVER!! After finals Amanda and I got to stay up in Logan to work.. fun fun. But we found ways to fill our time. We decided to hand make a toy box for mom and dad for christmas, so here are a few pics from that.

Screwing it together!
Aren't we handy? :)
We painted letters for the front.
We did the hinges by hand, they were way hard to get in, after this, we counted our blessings that dad has a drill and we didn't do this for the whole thing....
Ironing the siding on to make it look good!
It's laying on it's back so the glue can dry in this pic, but this is the finished product! We think it turned out great, and mom and dad loved it.
Then We decided to make this gingerbread house last Wednesday on a piece of unused wood from the toybox... turned out pretty good as well, wouldn't you say? We even built an igloo and a snowball fight scene.
Starting out.
She's way happy that it's standing... couldn't ask for more... :D

I had to put up a shot of the back of the house because i'm pretty proud of the sliding glass door... I think it is awesome...
Christmas was great! We had fun opening presents, putting puzzles together, and playing the wii with the family. I got a bit of a headache, so sorry if I wasn't very friendly family!

Saturday we had a Carter party for my grandparents 70th wedding anniversary! happy 70th grandma and grandpa! It was a good party, and I even met some people I didn't know there. hehe. That's what you get when you have a big family.

That night Amanda and I had a bunch of friends over to the house and we went to firehouse pizza and then playing games like the name game and signs. Thanks to everyone who came! It was a blast, and We got to see friends we haven't seen in a least 4 months or longer. so it was a fun little reunion!


  1. hey you guys ARE handy! look at that! i am very impressed. way to go! ;D
    hope to see you and your sis sometime (more than just in passing) i will be home for at least another month, so let me know when you are in town so we can get together and have some fun! :)

  2. ha ha whoops! it's me sam, not my mom and dad...

  3. Great Post! I love that toy box. Want to make one for me? haha. Don't worry, I'm kind of unfriendly when I have a headache and unfortunately I get them a lot. Looks like a great month. Enjoy the cold up there in Logan :) It was fun to see you at the party.

  4. you made a lot of box-based crafts! They are all great, too!
