Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blogger's Block

I have Blogger's Block. I know, it's sad. I've been wanting to blog for a long time. but what would I blog about? I was going blog about the time my food tasted like soap, but just forgot until I felt like it was "too late", you know that feeling. I wanted to blog about learning songs on my guitar, but I've blogged a lot about that lately. I could blog about finals, but they're pretty much uneventful and super boring (apparently that's how my whole life is). I could blog about the cold and the snow, but it IS winter and you all know my position on that already. . . Hopefully I'll come out of my Blogger's Block soon . . .


  1. ha you're not the only one! just because i'm blogging doesn't mean i am all clear of a block. that's why all my posts are super lame. ha ha. i can't think of anything interesting so i post about stupid little stuff. but whatev. sometimes that's just how it comes.
    hey, good luck with finals my friend. i hope you are still enjoying the season despite the bitter weather! ;D stay warm!

  2. you can still post about the soap and dishwasher, because now you have the happy ending! and your life isn't boring. you've got some things coming up. try volleyball club or camp. the roomies that are moving out versus the roomies moving in. or cheese curds. or the quote wall, and get a picture. does that help at all? i miss your blog! :)
