Tuesday, October 6, 2009

You Have GOT to be Kidding Me!

Do you know what I hate? I hate when work calls in the middle of class, and I ignore the call, and a few seconds later I get a buzz and my phone says 'voicemail'. Then, when I call work back, they say that the HR person discovered that I'm supposed to have my CBT's (computer based training) DONE by TOMORROW! Do you know how much work that is?


Like 7 hours worth. So, somehow, magically, I have to come up with 7 hours of time between school and sleeping and homework and other previous commitments when I can go to work to do LAME sauce training that I've already done once before.

And it's SO boring.

As you can tell, I'm not too excited. I don't understand why I have to do them over again. All my info was still in the system, so it shouldn't have been a problem. UGH. frustrated.

You may be wondering why I am blogging about this instead of getting junk done. Well, I have a nice little bubble of time right now that's not really long enough to get much done, plus it helps me to get it out when I blog. . .

I HATE CBTs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on the bright side... I get paid for the extra hours... but it's still work.


  1. i agree with brittany! walk in there and just like donald trump say: "YOU FIRED!" and walk away. ha ha ha. whoever is making you do that is such a friggin tool!
