Friday, September 11, 2009

Sheesh, what crime did i commit?

I had a stats quiz last friday, and and econ quiz on tuesday. Several of the guys i sit by in econ are also in my stats class. We had our stats quizzes handed back on wednesday, and econ on thursday. The boys in my econ class asked me what i got on both quizzes, then proceeded to -well, not get mad- but do that 'oh my gosh' thing that people do when you do better than them... I was kind of upset. What did I do wrong?! I only did my best. How can anyone ask more or less of me? What, am I supposed to do purposely bad so that they feel better about themselves?


I will always strive for my best. Maybe I should just learn to keep my mouth shut in these situations. I hate when people get mad at you for doing something good.


  1. Sounds like you have some real winners in your class. Just keep getting good grades and eventually some of them will figure it out and want to start a study group with you! (or at least the smart ones) Could be a good way to pick up the guys.

  2. Those guys are just jealous that they can't do as well as you do! Just keep up the good work, you are such a smart girl! I love you and miss you and hope to see you soon!!!

  3. UGH!!! i absolutely HATE that! seriously, why do they have to get mad because they didn't do as well on the test as you? blah. that's really really lame.

    they are just jealous. don't let them get you down!

  5. it's the crime of telling them your score. next time, i bet they'll react more favorably if you just say "oh, i did better than you." lol
