Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fajita Night!

Me and manda cooked. for reals. not mac and cheese, not ramen noodles... we actually went to the store and bough raw ingredients, chopped them up and made fajitas! We are very proud of ourselves :)


  1. yeah, we're amazing! :D hahaha, it was sooooo yummy! that picture of me is HORRIBLE though, you should take it off.

  2. Yummy! I'm super jealous! I would cook if there were things to cook in China. I suppose I could go get me some chicken legs. lol. I can't wait to cook and have Mexican when I get home :).

  3. thanks for sharing with me. it was delicious!

  4. WOOT i'm impressed! you guys rock my socks!!!! ;D
